The Turn Around

Michael Bagnall

Turning It Around

When I originally had the idea for this web site it was to provide a place to get information for people looking to get started or in the early stages of playing recreational league (Beer League) hockey. While I am still going to be talking about those things and providing information I feel is relevant and that I have some experience with, I am going to enter more content here about my story,. Starting at age 38. Different injuries and recoveries. How I am training off the ice. How I am eating. Now at 53, It is my hope some of you can relate and we can go on this journey together.

Basically more experiential things I have expertise in as well as the conversations focused on participation and how to do certain things within a recreational league.

I think this will help me keep the site a bit more timely, personal, and helpful to people who may be going through some of the same sorts of things I have been experiencing on my hockey journey.

Also included will be interviews and outside perspectives on some of the same issues that people are having within the game itself. Gamesmanship, sportsmanship, behavior and playing the game without getting yourself hurt or hurting other people. Hockey is always a physical game and injuries do happe, but there are things you can do to better help yourself and prevent injuries.

Getting hurt does not increase the joy in playing. Trust me I know. After 8 broken ribs, a separated shoulder, a torn bicep tendon and open heart surgery – having these kinds of things that take you off the ice not only age your body, they play games with your mind as well.

I want to use this space to talk about those items as well. So I hope you get some insight and information from that content. I also welcome anyone who has a story to tell of how they got knocked down playing but were able to get back up and overcome the physical and even mental barriers to playing the game. I can be reached at my email:

On with the show

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